It is unsurprising that we discuss time more frequently than we might expect, given that it is a continual reality around us. Not merely telling precise times, like 5:00 in the afternoon, counts as using time in discourse. It also communicates the past, the future, or even the present. So, if you have a few minutes to spare, let’s have a whale of fun studying a few time-related idioms. It is wise to be familiar with these expressions because they are employed in both formal and casual settings on a daily basis.
Here are 12 time-related expressions that you can use in conversation on a regular basis!
“Around the clock” denotes something continuous and never-ending. It specifically refers to acts or actions carried out nonstop for 24 hours, day and night.
The researchers were doing their research around the clock to find the medicine for the new disease.
“You should not be working around the clock. Take a rest, Mike.”
The pharmacy store is open around the clock so that you can buy medicines anytime.
A day’s worth of work is finished when you “call it a day” on a project. It refers to putting a stop to a period of activity, particularly when you feel as though you have accomplished enough or that you do not want to do it right now.
I finished writing four assignments just this afternoon. I think it is time to call it a day.
We have not made any changes during our meeting. Let us just call it a day and resume tomorrow with fresh ideas.
This idiom is used to indicate that one has plenty of time to finish a work or reach a goal.
“My term paper’s research is already done, so time is on my side.”
“We don’t have to take any decision till next month, so time is on our side.”
“In a jiffy” is the ideal expression to use when you need to imply that something will happen very rapidly or shortly.
“If you need to get there in a jiffy, just take a flight.”
“He is on the phone, but don’t worry he’ll be with us in a jiffy.”
Finishing a task with no time to spare; finishing something right before the deadline.
The policeman arrived in the nick of time and saved the victim from burglars.
We got to the stadium in the nick of time.
Used to indicate that someone has continued to live despite all odds, implying that this will not last for very long.
After Ann had a serious accident, she felt like she was living on borrowed time.
The doctors told Maria that she was living on borrowed time.
When you wish to say that something occurs infrequently but occasionally, you can say “once in a while.”
Once in a while, we go to the theater, but usually, we see movies at home.
Life goes quite quickly. You might miss it if you stop and look around once in a while
This phrase refers to activities that go on all night long, starting at dusk and continuing till dawn. It frequently relates to gatherings or events.
“Tom and his brother worked from dawn to dusk, seven days a week to meet their family’s expenses”
They danced from dusk till dawn at the bachelor party.
The phrase “eleventh hour” alludes to the final window of opportunity before it is too late. At the last minute, modifications are still being made.
Jane postponed her trip to Australia at the eleventh hour due to unknown reasons.
His plan to attend the conference was called off at the eleventh hour.
An expression used to describe how infrequently, rarely, and just once in a very long time something occurs is called “once in a blue moon.”
We don’t get out these days, though once in a blue moon, we might go to the beach.
I only get to see my parents once in a blue moon now that I live in Europe.
When noting or describing how fast time passes, the expression “time flies” is used. It is frequently uttered in the hopes that time will move more slowly because you are missing a particular memory or wish to savor a particular moment.
It feels like we only recently cast our ballots. How time flies!
When someone is having “the time of (their) life,” they are engaging in an activity or experiencing something that is incredibly delightful, memorable, and fun.
I went to see the grand finale last night and had the time of my life!
You’ll be able to communicate concepts about time more clearly and enrich your conversations by adding these twelve necessary time phrases to your language toolkit. However, it’s advantageous to have individualized instruction and interactive practice to progress in English fluency practice and conversational abilities. Enrolling in online English-speaking classes with an experienced English instructor like English With Janet offers a priceless chance to get personalized training, immediate feedback, and enjoyable conversation practice. We’ll support your confidence-building efforts and assist you in navigating the complexities of English language speaking. You can hone your language abilities even more, add more words to your vocabulary, and increase your general fluency under our direction.
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