It can be helpful for you to understand and avoid these mistakes so that your writing will look more professional. Below are the ten most common mistakes in English grammar and how to avoid them:
Mixing up “their” (a possessive), “there” (an adverb of place) and “they’re” (a contraction of “they are”).
Their: Shows possession. For example, their house is beautiful.
There: Refers to a place. For example, the book is over there.
They’re: Contraction of “they are”. Example; they’re going to the park.
Confusing “your” (possessive) with “you’re” (contraction of ‘you are’).
Your: Possessive form Example: Is this your pen?
You’re: Contraction of ‘you are’. Example: you’re going to love this movie.
Confusion between its (indicating possession) and it’s (contraction for it is or it has).
Its: Possessive Form Example: The dog wagged its tail.
It’s: Contraction for it is or it has Example: It’s been a long day.
Using then (time) instead of than (comparison)
Then: Used when referring to time passage Example: We went to dinner then we went to see a movie together.
Than: Indicates comparison Example: She is taller than her brother.
Understanding affect as verb while effect as noun
Affect: Usually used as a verb; Example: The weather can affect your mood.
Effect: Generally used as a noun. Example: The new law had a positive effect.
Confusing “to” (a preposition), “too” (also or excessively), and “two” (number).
To: Preposition. For example, we are going to the store.
Too: Means also or excessively. Example: I want to go too./ This is too much.
Two: Number Example: I have two cats.
Using comma splice to join two independent clauses without conjunctions
Use a period instead, use a semicolon or add conjunctions where necessary
Incorrect : She loves reading, she goes to the library often.
Correct : She loves reading. She goes to the library often
Correct : She loves reading; she goes to the library often.
Correct : She loves reading, and she goes to the library often.
Using ‘who’ when ‘whom’ is required and vice versa
Who – Subject of Clause Example: Who is coming to the party?
Whom – Object of Clause Example: Whom did you invite for the party?
Using less for countable items when fewer should be used
Fewer: Used with countable nouns such as there are fewer apples in the basket.
Less: Used with uncountable nouns such as there is less water in this jar…
10. Me vs. I
Using “me” when “I” is correct and vice versa.
I: Subject of a sentence. Example: John and I went to the store.
Me: Object of a sentence. Example: The teacher called John and me.
Understanding these common grammar mistakes and knowing how to correct them can greatly improve your writing. Whether you’re composing an email, writing an essay, or posting on social media, paying attention to these details will make your communication clearer and more professional. Keep practicing, and soon these corrections will become second nature!
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